How can eBay sellers do to increase e-commerce sales?15 Methods
How can eBay sellers do to increase e-commerce sales?15 Methods
In terms of pricing, distribution, returns, etc., this article provides some tips for eBay sellers.
Victoria Taylor
September 4, 2024

1. Publish products on eBay's International sites

According to eBay's official report, 59% of eBay's transactions occur outside the United States. Therefore, it is a good idea to try to explore international markets.

-Provide international delivery (preferably free)

-Create your listing on the local eBay site of each country, for example, sign up for an account and create your listing in Australia, not just on the eBay US site. The advantage of doing so is that eBay will let your products in the “local” site rankings than international competitors.

2. Use more keywords when writing listings

Listing a description of the impact of potential customers and the search engine is as important as the impact. Write at least 200 words in your listing description and do these things:

-Put the most important keywords at the beginning of your listing.

Ensure that your listing description is user-friendly and not just a mere stacking of keywords.

-Format the text, such as when appropriate or necessary, bold fonts and change the size of the text

3. New product pricing should not be too high

When launching a new product, especially in a category with “many” products, it is recommended to set a low price. This is because many consumers are price-driven when shopping, they choose the product search results based on which product price is the cheapest. By doing this, you may not make much profit at first, but the more sales you generate, the more likely you are to be higher up in eBay's default natural search results. If you pay close attention to this, you can increase the price of your new product and reap the rewards once you reach the top or near the top of the search rankings.

4. Free delivery in co with charitable organizations

Some sellers take advantage of the option on eBay to donate the entire proceeds of a sale or auction to charity. Sometimes you can donate all the proceeds of a product to charity and offer free joint delivery, meaning that once someone has purchased an item for charity, they may also want to take advantage of your free shipping service to buy more products. Hopefully taking full advantage of the free delivery you offer. Even if they don't buy additional products, it's a great way to familiarize them with your products and they're likely to become your future customers.

5. Use the inventory autofill feature

Consider downloading eBay's APP, which allows you to scan the barcode of any product and determine the value based on its recent sales. Simply download the app, scan the barcode, and click on the sold items filter to show similar products that have recently sold, scroll down, click on “sellone like this” and eBay will fill in all the relevant information for you. Scroll down and click on “sell one like this” and eBay will fill in all the relevant information for you.

6. Focus on the benefits of the product

In some cases, you should focus on the benefits of your products for customers, rather than the characteristics of your products. For example, if you sell insoles, first focus on the comfort of the insoles before focusing on what materials they are made of.

7. Provide quality images

When people are addicted to everything on social media like Instagram and Facebook, quality pictures are the key to attracting them. Make sure your images meet the following requirements:

-Not blurry, clear, and pristine is required.

-Shot on a neutral background - usually black or white, the color of the background depends on the effect the product photo can achieve.

-Photograph your product from multiple angles.

-Don't use images from eBay catalogs that don't accurately describe your product.

8. Understand your conversion rate and find ways to improve it

As mentioned in the previous post, conversion rate = total number of products sold / number of people viewing the listing. Almost no product has a 100% conversion rate because there are always people on the internet just browsing the web or hanging out. Therefore, always know what your conversion rate is first and keep thinking of ways to improve it.

9. Use eBay listing bulk editing tools to add product details

Product details are crucial for product exposure in search results, but not all product identifiers need to be added manually. Many times, you can add multiple product details using eBay's built-in bulk editing tool.

10. Use the listing batch creation strategy

A business strategy is the details you specify in your listing, including the following:




Unlike creating these strategies manually, you can mix and match the strategies you've already created each time you publish a new product and apply them to your new listing.

These strategies enable you to:

-Edit and update all your listings at once.

-Apply your policies to listings in bulk.

11. Return policy is essential

A return policy is a key to attracting potential eBay customers. If you don't have a return policy, or if your return policy is not generous enough, you may have to suffer these consequences:

-Loss of potential customers, because you do not want to be responsible for their own products.

-As a penalty, eBay will lower your ranking in the search results because eBay's algorithm favors sellers who offer a generous return policy.

12. Process orders quickly

Another aspect that eBay and consumers value is fast delivery. Sellers who complete order processing within 1 day will have products that sell better than sellers with slower order processing speeds and will rank higher on eBay search results.

13. fast delivery

In today's society, when people want something, they want it fast. The Amazon Prime membership service is taking advantage of this lack of patience of people by introducing a new standard of two-day delivery of products. Take eBay for example, they introduced a service standard GuaranteedDelivery which guarantees 3 days delivery. if you fail to meet the 2-3 days delivery standard, you will lose a lot of business.

14. Offer free delivery

People love free delivery. Even if you have to increase the price of your products, offer free delivery. In other words, offering free delivery is enough when it comes to delivery in order to win more customers. Numerous studies have shown that free delivery improves conversion rates.

15. Respond to customers as soon as possible

Just as people expect to get a reply as soon as possible on social networking sites like Whatsapp or SMS, they also expect their inquiries to be answered as soon as possible by the seller or customer service. Customers may be in contact with multiple sellers at the same time, and they may patronize the seller who responds the fastest.

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