Amazon Workers Strike: Impacts on Retailers and Sellers
Amazon Workers Strike: Impacts on Retailers and Sellers
Learn how Amazon workers' strikes impact sellers and what steps you can take to mitigate supply chain disruptions and maintain customer satisfaction.
Grace Williams
September 26, 2024

In September, Amazon workers have staged strikes at several warehouse locations across the U.S. and Europe. These strikes were mainly driven by concerns over pay, working conditions, and the desire for unionization. For example, strikes took place at Southern California’s air hub and a warehouse in Garner, North Carolina, both of which serve as significant distribution centers for Amazon.

Timeline and Locations

In Southern California, workers went on strike at one of Amazon’s major West Coast air hubs. This strike was primarily driven by labor unions that wanted to address low wages and poor working conditions. At the same time, in Garner, North Carolina, workers sought unionization at a warehouse, raising similar concerns over long hours and insufficient breaks. European operations were also affected, with Amazon renting a warehouse in Denain, France, from Maersk, which had to step in during busy periods like the holiday season.

Causes of the Strikes

The primary causes of these strikes revolve around workers' dissatisfaction with wages, working conditions, and job security. In Garner, North Carolina, Amazon workers’ unionization efforts aimed to gain better representation and negotiate fairer working conditions. Workers have repeatedly called out Amazon for demanding intense schedules, limited breaks, and imposing excessive surveillance. These strikes reflected deeper labor concerns, including the desire for improved safety measures and better overall treatment.

Impact on Amazon Sellers

For Amazon sellers, these strikes caused significant disruptions, slowing order fulfillment and extending delivery times. Sellers relying on Amazon’s fulfillment services found themselves grappling with logistical challenges. Delays in fulfilling orders due to strikes meant sellers risked losing customers, especially during peak seasons like the holidays.

The disruptions impacted sellers differently depending on the warehouse locations they relied on. For example, the strike at the Southern California hub strained West Coast operations, while the efforts to unionize in Garner affected Amazon’s logistics on the East Coast. Sellers targeting U.S. customers faced the brunt of these delays. In Europe, Amazon’s reliance on third-party providers like Maersk helped alleviate some of the strain, but the overall impact on logistics was still felt by sellers in different regions.

Key Considerations for Sellers

  1. Diversify Fulfillment Options: Sellers must consider multiple fulfillment providers. Relying solely on Amazon’s fulfillment services can expose them to supply chain risks. Exploring partnerships with third-party logistics companies or regional fulfillment services can help safeguard business continuity.
  2. Monitor Labor Movements: Sellers need to stay updated on labor movements and possible strikes, especially in key Amazon hubs. Anticipating these disruptions can help them proactively plan for delays and shift inventory to alternative locations if necessary.
  3. Communicate with Customers: Effective communication is crucial during delays. Sellers must inform customers about potential delays due to strikes and provide options like expedited shipping through other channels to maintain trust and avoid negative reviews.
  4. Flexible Inventory Management: Sellers should ensure that they maintain flexible inventory solutions. Keeping stock across multiple regions or warehouses can minimize the risk of supply chain disruptions, ensuring they can still fulfill orders on time.
  5. Cost Management: Sellers may need to consider the financial impact of moving operations to alternative fulfillment services. This may lead to higher costs but can prevent losses from missed sales due to delayed deliveries.


Amazon’s labor strikes underline the importance of sellers developing more resilient logistics strategies. By relying less on a single fulfillment provider, monitoring labor issues, and keeping customers informed, sellers can minimize the risks posed by supply chain disruptions. These proactive measures will help sellers continue their business operations despite the challenges posed by worker strikes at key Amazon facilities.

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